Welcome to Ananda's World in 2023!
My virtual world has been restructured and recreated!
Please copy paste the URL below to get to my new website.
(just add the "2" to find me)
It is a blend of current, streamlined information as well as links to classic, archived highlights of my Ananda journey.
There is no longer a need to request log info as the new site integrates and flows.
New galleries will be added and the old favorites are clikck-to-able.
Don't forget to bookmark the new site so you don't have to make the full circle each time
(just add the "2" to find me)
53 finds me discovering new depths and dimensions of sensuality than ever before.
As we venture into the new sensual world beyond the pandemic, my website and my practice continue to evolve. Much has changed in technology. How people find each other, social norms and expectations both on the client side and the sensual artist's have profoundly been altered. I am working hard to try to preserve some of the wonderful points of my original website while keeping pace with the advantages of modern tech. I was here before smartphone apps and social media prevalance.
Things have changed since my original website was built from the ground up line by line, hard coded with features that were beyond state of the art at the time.
Since the time "before" (2020) The world has tilted on it's axis; laws have changed, politics have changed, technology has changed and the very climate of sensual work in Washington has evolved.
When I began this work, there were so many places where seekers could connect with providers more on the connection, healing and teaching spectrum. There were three review boards, and many places to advertise safely. Tryst was not the main Seattle portal yet, Twitter was not yet a standard a way to connect with clients. A very few providers had blogs, but when I began this carreer Instagram and Onlyfans weren't even twinkles in anyones eyes or bookmarks in laptop browers yet. I was here before Twitter and Instagram were available. Information is more easily available now, but the sense of in person community and boards that truly connected patrons and providers have dwindled, while new forms of virtual connection have sprung up. Twitter, Onlyfans and the like allow direct responsive exchange of thoughts, instant virtual access and a dynamic platform in which to get a feel for the personality of a provider that even the most stunning static website can't fully capture.
What has not changed is my in person full attention to our time once we are together. I am 100% in our time while are spending time.
My trademark Time and Essence Session is still that your time for you time and we create the shared essence together.
Please, reach out and we will communicate in the present with all my customary presence.
email Ananda22@anandahealer.com.
- Ananda Healer - Janruary 2023